7investing Review – Scam Or Legit Newsletter?

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


January 13  

7investing is a newer investing newsletter created by Simon Erickson.

It promises to deliver 7 high quality stock ideas to you every month..

Does it deliver or is it a scam?

You'll figure that out by the time you go through this entire review.

Take a few minutes and read through everything below.. you'll see all the important information you need to determine if 7investing is right for you.

Let's start!

7investing Summary

Owner: Simon Erickson

Price: $49 per month

Rating: 4/5

Do I Recommend? Yes!

Summary: 7investing is an excellent stock picking newsletters.

The advisors selecting the picks have loads of experience and the picks are high quality.

Additionally, the stock strategy is sound and the price isn't bad.

Top Alternative: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

Who Is Behind 7investing?

The main guy at 7investing is Simon Ericson.

He's the CEO and founder of this newsletter. Here's a little information about him (and an overview of the people on his team).

Simon Has An Impressive Past

Simon is the head honcho at 7investing and he has an impressive resume (both inside and outside the investing world).

Simon originally earned a degree in chemical engineering and worked for mega oil corporations like Dow Chemical and Chevron.

He also was an account manager at GE too.

He changed career paths in 2009 and earned his MBA in entrepreneurship with a concentration on finance. 

In 2013 Simon became a senior analyst at the extremely well known financial company Motley Fool.

Motley Fool is one of the most well known companies for individual investors.

They offer highly popular newsletters and portfolio management services.

He eventually became lead advisor for Motley Fool's Explorer newsletter and had the highest retention rate for all newsletters at Motley Fool.

Simon decide to create his own investing newsletter and 7investing was born.

Anirban Mahanti Is Lead Advisor

Simon's right hand man is Anirban.

Anirban is a former business research and college professor.

Like Simon, he cut his bones in the financial newsletter world at Motley Fool.

He was apart of the Australian subdivision for Motley fool and was Director Of Research.

It's definitely a positive sign that many people leading 7investing come from Motley Fool.

Dana Abramovitz Joined in April 2021

One of the newer lead advisors is Dana Abramovitz.

Dana specializes in the health industry and focuses on stock market in that niche.

What separates Dana is that she has experience in the health care world from the inside.

She has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biophysics from Columbia University and studied mRNA technology (the technology in the Covid vaccines).

Dana also was an executive director for a hospital and is a health care industry writer.

In short she's a real smarty pants.

There's Even More Ex-Motley Fool Writers

There's several more lead advisors with 7investing including Matt Cochrane, Maxx Chatsko and Steven Symington.

All of these guys have different backgrounds but they have one thing in common..

They all worked at Motley Fool as well.

Matt started writing in 2017 and his stock selections beat the S&P 500.

Maxx wrote thousands of articles and reports for Motley Fool and so did Steve.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

What Is 7investing?

Before we get into the product being offered by 7investing, let's take a look at what exactly is this company.

Here's some information that I think is important:

7investing's Principles

The number 7 has a lot of significance at 7investing.

You get 7 monthly stock picks and there's 7 principles they follow when selecting picks.

Those principles are:

  1. Investing is personal - The folks at 7investing believe no one cares about your money more than you. That's why you should create your own goals and do your own investing (with help from them).
  2. Buy companies, not tickers - Many stock strategies only look at indicators and technical analysis, ignoring who actually leads a company. 7investing believe who runs a company is just as important and you need to pick stocks with sound leadership. 
  3. Don't stress yourself out - Avoid fast gains and fast money. Make investments that take years to grow and ignore short term loses. 
  4. Time is on your side - This one is similar to the last. You need to have patience and build your wealth over time.
  5. Valuation matters - You need to balance value and cost of a stock when buying. Eventually a stock becomes so high that even the best companies won't give you great returns. 
  6. Find one of a kind companies - You want to find companies that have a massive competitive advantage and do what they do best.
  7. Develop a thesis - You should know why you're buying a stock. Write down why and what you exactly love about the stock. 

These are all sound investing principles and should be exactly what you're looking for from an investing newsletter.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

7investing Newsletter Overview

The 7investing newsletter operates in a pretty standard format.

Here's a look at everything you need to know about it.

How it Works

You get 7 picks a month sent to your inbox.

These reports are a few thousand words long and comes with in depth analysis on each pick.

In these reports you'll get a visual chart on how the stock has performed in the past.

You can play around with the chart and adjust the performance window from a day to a few years.

After that they classify each stock based on style, industry and risk/reward.

This allows you to determine if the stock is right for you.

The risk ratings can fall into 4 different risk ratings:

  • Low risk
  • Moderate risk
  • High risk
  • Very high risk

Next, you get an overall thesis on each pick as well as all the background information on the company.

Because these picks are long term investments you don't get a price to buy at and you don't really get told when to sell.

You only get a notification to sell if a pick is underperforming and needs to be cut loose.

What You Get 

Like I mentioned in the last section you get 7 monthly stock ideas with an entire write up of each stock.

Additionally, you get the following:

  • Access to all previous picks and reports
  • Tracking picks so you can keep track of howwell they're doing
  • Premium content
  • Ability to talk to advisors 
  • Interviews and podcasts

Want Winning Stock Ideas?

I've reviewed all the best places to get winning stock picks.. to see my favorite, click below:

My Thoughts On 7investing

7investing is an awesome newsletter.

Here's exactly what I think about it:

Continuing Motley Fool Success

I mentioned this earlier and it's worth repeating.. it's a good thing so many former Motley Fool advisors work at 7investing.

Motley Fool is another well respected financial company that sells a lot of newsletters.

Their picks regularly beat the market.

The people at 7investing are continuing their winning streak at this new company.

Easy To Understand

One thing I really like about 7investing is their newsletters are simple and even beginners should be able to understand them.

Instead of getting complicated technical analysis with hard to understand charts, you get simple analysis about stocks.

You learn who these companies are, what they do, their risk level, who leads the companies and why they're worthwhile.

Then you decide for yourself if they're right for you.

Doesn't get easier than that!

The Podcast Is Worth Listening To

If you're still on the fence about 7investing there's good news.

They have a podcast that you can listen to and learn more about their investing strategy.

These podcasts are discussions on the market and interviews with other investors.

There's usually a new upload once a week. 

You Should Have A Decent Amount To Invest

Once you sign up you get access to the portfolio of all the picks 7investing recommends.

This means right away you'll have access to 84 picks from the last year.

You aren't expected to buy all but you should be buying some.

You'll typically want to invest around $1000 in each one to get the best returns.

This could mean spending $25,000 right away.

If you don't want to do that you should still have thousands to spend on the monthly picks.

Again, you aren't expected to buy all picks every month but you should probably have at least $1000 for the best one. 

The Price Is Very Good

There's basically two different options to buy 7investing.

You can either pay monthly or pay yearly (if you're a student you get a massive discount).

Either option is a good deal in my opinion.

If you want to test out the service you can try the monthly payment until you're confident to pay for the yearly subscription.

The yearly subscription allows you to save 32% and essentially you get 4 months free compared to the monthly payments.  

Decent Refund Policy

The refund policy is pretty good.

You get 30 days to get your money back and it's prorated if you do the monthly plan.

This means if you wait 7 days to request a refund you get 23 days worth of refunds back.

It would be nice if it was a full refund but it's not the biggest deal on earth. 

Customers Really Like It

Since this is a new program there isn't a ton of online chatter about it.

However, there's still enough for to me determine that customers really like it.

For example, one site had 22 people rate it and it got a whopping 4.7/5:

It's extremely rare to have a newsletter with a rating this high.

One customer had this to say about the service:

This is a good review and shows 7investing is right up there with the best (Motley Fool, Empire Financial Research and Stock Gumshoe).

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

7investing Pros And Cons

  • Well priced: You're not going to find many high quality stock services at this price.
  • Good refund policy: You get 30 days to decide if it's right for you. That's not enough to test the picks but good enough to know if you like the service.
  • Veteran staff: Most of the advisors come from Motley Fool. That's a good sign and means these are serious people.
  • Simple to understand: The reports are easy to grasp and even beginners should be able to understand what's going on.
  • 7 picks a month can be overwhelming: You probably won't be buying all 7 picks a month.. that would cost a lot. However, it can be stressful deciding which one is right for you.

7investing Conclusion

There's a lot of scoundrels and scammers in the stock picking world.

I review scams, after scam, after scam

Usually I go into a review expecting it to be another one.

But 7investing impressed me a lot which is pretty hard to do.

There's really not many flaws here.. the top people are experienced and get great results.

The cost isn't bad and you even get a refund if you don't like it.

You'll get more than enough picks a month and probably get too many to be honest.

This is definitely a newsletter you want in your arsenal. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

You should buy 7investing because it's an awesome newsletter.

However, there's still better stock selecting services out there.. and ones that are more affordable.

To see my favorite place to get high return stock ideas (that's very affordable), click below:

Get High Return Stock Ideas!

See where I get my winning stock ideas below:

About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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