Growth Investor Review – Is Louis Navellier A Scam Artist?

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


July 20  

Growth Investor is the flagship product of Louis Navellier.

He claims he can make you rich like he is.

Is Louis telling the truth, or is he a scam artist?

We'll get to the bottom of this question in this review.

Additionally, we'll look at what's being offered in Growth Investor and see if we can find any red flags (Hint: there are a lot of red flags).

You'll know if this newsletter is worth it by the time you're done reading.

Let's get started!

Growth Investor Summary

Owner: Louis Navellier 

Price: $49 per year

Rating: 1/5

Do I Recommend? No.

Summary: Louis Navellier is one of the worst figures in the stock-picking industry.


He's been fined tens of millions of dollars for defrauding his customers, works for an extremely predatory company, misleads people with manipulative sales presentations, and will aggressively upsell you his other products that cost thousands per year (and don't come with refunds).


Overall, he's a repulsive guy whose entire persona is based around how rich he is.


There's nothing to like about Growth Investor, and I'd avoid anything with Louis Navellier's name on it.


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3 Reasons To Hate Louis Navellier

There's an idea out there that you should never hate anyone or that hate is wrong.

I promise some people on this planet are worthy of hate, and Louis Navellier is one of them.

Here are a few reasons why I think this is true:

1) Louis Defrauded His customers.

Louis Navellier makes one thing clear about himself: he cares about money and how rich he is.

However, when you love money above all else, that can lead to some pretty horrible things.

Louis Navellier was fined $30 million a couple years ago for defrauding customers.


What Louis did was pretty horrible.

Essentially, he bought a "trading algorthim" from a 20-year-old kid with basically zero trading experience.

He took hypothetical results from the trading tool, uploaded them to Morningstar, and claimed they were verified trades.

Louis then used this Morningstar report as proof the "trading algorthim" worked and claimed the results were verified.

It was proven in court. Louis knew exactly what he was doing, and obviously the customers didn't get good results.

In total, 6,000 customers were scammed, and they spent over a billion dollars!

Louis himself made over $15 million from the scheme.

2) Bad Results

Louis Navellier paints himself as a stock market genius and backs this up with flattering profiles from different media outlets.

But in the year 2023, I think it should be painfully obvious that mainstream media outlets aren't trustworthy.

So if they're fawning over someone, it's definitely not a good thing.

And if you do a little digging, you'll see that Louis is actually a really bad investor. tracks the performance of money managers, and according to their database, this is the performance of Navellier's mutual funds:


So he has a negative return over a 3-year period and is only up 8.7% over the last 5 years.

Factor in inflation, and you would have lost money over the last 5 years if you invested in these funds.

Keep in mind that the market has been up 74% in the last 5 years, so you would be way better off just putting your money into a market ETF than following Louis.

3) He takes everything he can from his customers.

You might be looking at Growth Investor and thinking, "Well, he's only pricing it at $49 per year; he can't be that bad."

One thing you have to understand is that Growth Investor is simply a bait product that sucks you into a much larger sales funnel.

Louis is the head of InvestorPlace, but InvestorPlace is owned by a much bigger company called MarketWise.

MarketWise owns many other investing publishers, including Stansberry Research.

MarketWise is very aggressive with their upsells and will look to get you to spend thousands on a whole bunch of other products.

Some will be from Louis, and others will be from other lowly characters like Teeka Tiwari.

You'll be sent manipulative sales presentations every day that make over-the-top promises about the returns you can expect.

Louis has newsletters that cost over $10,000, and all his expensive products don't come with refunds.

The last place you want to be is in a Louis Navellier sales funnel.

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Growth Invest Overview

So we've covered how Louis Navellier is a pretty disgraceful guy.

Now let's take a look at the offer and what Louis wants you to buy.

Here's an overview of Growth Investor:

Monthly Stock Picks

Growth Investor is just your standard stock picking service, which means that you'll be getting a new stock pick every month.

This is basically how all stock-picking newsletters work.

I personally don't like the "once a month, new stock pick" model.

I think this forces stock pickers to make bad calls sometimes just because they have to recommend something.

Additionally, it can prevent a stock picker from recommending two stocks in a month or more.

I just don't see why, in the digital age, you'd handcuff yourself to rigid rules when it comes to when you release new stock picks.

Also, like the name growth Investor suggests, you'll be investing in growth companies.

Growth companies are expected to grow faster than the market and tend to reinvest earnings into new products and development, not dividends.

Some companies that Louis has recommended in the past include:

  • KLA
  • Keysight
  • The Chemours Company

NVIDIA is a company that Louis recommends over and over in Growth Investor.

Model Portfolio

Another standard stock-picking feature Growth Investor has is the model portfolio.

The model portfolio is all the picks that Louis has made in the past that he still recommends.

These stocks will come with a ticker symbol and a price to buy up to.

A Bunch Of Special Reports

Additionally, like all other stock newsletters, Louis offers a bunch of special reports that act as a sweetener.

Growth investors focus on trends that are hot.

In the past, many of the stock picks had to do with 5G, crypto, and things like that.

But right now, self-driving cars and AI are hot, and that's what a lot of the special reports focus on.

Also, you'll get special reports telling you which stocks to avoid and which to buy.

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Growth Investor FAQs

Still have some questions about Growth investors?

Here are the answers to any remaining questions you might have.

1) How much does Growth Investor cost?

Growth Investor is a cheap newsletter, and the cheapest subscription is $49 for the first year.

This is how all introductory newsletters at MarketWise work.

They own over a dozen publishers, and they all offer a newsletter for $49 for the first year.

I mentioned this up top, and I'll just repeat it again: this is to get you into the sales funnel so they can upsell you more expensive products.

What's funny is that the cheap products from these publishers are usually the better ones because they tend to just use normal investing strategies.

2) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there's a chance to get your money back if you buy this newsletter.

However, if you buy one of the upsells, you won't be able to get your money back.

You only get credit refunds for the expensive services.

3) Does the newsletter beat the market?

I doubt it.

I've looked at a lot of newsletters from MarketWise, and I don't think any of them actually beat the market over time.

If you look at Louis' mutual funds, you can see he has a hard time ending up in the green, let alone beating the market.

4) Is Louis Navellier legit?

Louis has been in the business for a long time.

I read a comment from someone who bought investing services from him back in the early 1990s.

You'd think someone who's been in the game for so long would be able to pick stocks.

But I think Louis has mostly focused on enriching himself.

Except the focus hasn't been on enrichment through the stock market but instead on selling products and marketing.

I have a hard time finding anyone who would defraud customers legitimately; we'll put it that way.

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Here's A Better Opportunity

So that's my review of Growth Investor.

This is definitely not a newsletter that I recommend.

Louis is a scumbag in my opinion and he only cares about making money for himself.

He's proven he doesn't care whether or not you make money and willing to defraud you to profit for himself.

This is the last person you want to be giving money to.

The good news is there are investing newsletters that are worth buying.

To see my favorite (which is very affordable), click below:

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About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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