Trend Trader Daily Review – Lou Basenese Scam?

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


March 29  

Trend Trader Daily is a stock picking service from Lou Basenese.

Lou claims he can help you profit from the biggest tech trends.

Some of their most popular services are:

  • Digital Fortunes
  • Micro-Cap Advantage
  • Biotech Breakout Alert
  • Takeover Trader
  • Trend Trader Pro

Is this is all a scam or a legit opportunity? 

You'll get an answer to that in this review.

Beyond that you'll see some important background information, a look into Lou Basenese's past and more. 

By the time you're done reading you'll know if the products at Trend Trader Daily is worth it.

Let's get started!

Trend Trader Daily Summary

Owner: Lou Basenese

Price: $299 per year for introductory service (thousands per year for others)

Rating: 3/5

Do I Recommend? It depends

Summary: Trend Trader Daily seems to be a decent investing resource.

The cheapest product isn't too expensive and there's some customers who claim to have made money from the stock picks.

However, the stocks I looked at performed really badly and I have questions about Lou Basenese's past.

Proceed with caution and don't buy any expensive products until you get good results.

Top Alternative: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

3 Things To Know About Trend Trader Daily

Before we look at the services offered by Trend Trader Daily, let's take a look at some important background information.

Here's what I think you should know about this publisher:

1) Is Lou Basenese Lying About His Past?

Lou Basenese is someone that you can find on Fox Business and other TV networks sharing his belifes about the stock market.

According to him he's a Wall Street veteran that wants to help retail investors build their stock portfolio.

This is why he started Trend Trader Daily.

It's a nice story but is it true?

It could be but that would mean Lou Basenese isn't his real name.

On his Linkedin he claims he was an investment consultant and analyst for Morgan Stanley and a senior account executive for Commonwealth Risk.

The problem is there's no record of a Lou Basenese working at either of these companies or passing the exams to hold these positions.

You see for a job like investment analyst you have to pass a Series 86/87 which tests your ability to be do the jobs of an analyst.

You also have to register with an organization called FINRA, which has a database of all research analysts:

When you search FINRA's records there isn't anyone with the name Lou Basenese.

There's only one person with the last Basenese and they didn't work at Morgan Stanley. 

There's two explanations for this:

  1. Lou is using an alias and actually has this resume
  2. Lou is lying about his resume

Some people like to use an alias when they write online and there seems to be a lot of stock pickers doing this.

This could just be a privacy issue or maybe there's some red flags in their past they don't want you to know about.

I personally think a stock picker should be using his real name.. this isn't Hollywood where you need a stage name.

You should allow people to look into your past critically.

Lou isn't letting people do this.

2) You Get Investment Ideas Involving Tech Stocks

On Lou's websites he claims he's a "renowned technology analyst and investor."

His services tend to revolve around tech stocks which can be in the following categories:

  • 5G
  • Space related stocks
  • Autonomous cars
  • AI
  • 3D printing
  • Biotech
  • Mobile payments 

There's definitely pros and cons to investing in these stocks.

Pro #1 - Big Growth Potential

Tech stocks have some of the biggest returns when compared to other sectors.

Imagine if you bought Google when that stock first became available..

There's plenty of companies that are waiting to explode.

Pro #2 - Diversification 

Tech stocks come in all shapes and sizes.. they also cover a wide range of markets.

You can invest in safer, more established large cap stocks, gamble on low cap stocks and everything in between.

Con #1 - High Valuations

Many tech stocks can be overvalued or just plain too high to purchase.

Google's stock is over $2000 right now.. that makes the safer, large cap stocks hard to buy for regular people.

Con #2 - High Volatility 

Tech stocks are notoriously volatile.. so if you don't have the stomach for large swings in stock price they're not for you.

I did another review of a tech stock picker and the service was called IO Fund.

The owner Tweeted this out a little bit ago that really sums up the volatility:

3) Lou's Stock Picks Haven't Been Good 

I can't tell you how every one of Lou's stocks has performed but he does a lot of teaser picks.

This is when a stock picker markets access to a stock pick if you buy one of their services.

It's supposed to act as a sweetener and they're supposed to be your best stock picks.

Here's a look at how Lou's teaser picks have performed over the last few years:

Vuzix In August 2021

In August 2021 Lou ran a teaser about a stock he called the "iPhone Killer."

In the pitch Basenese claims Apple is purposely going to kill their iPhone and launch a new type of phone product to replace it.

The company teased is Vuzix and they would benefit from this new product launch.

Here's how the stock has performed since then:

It had a very small pop in November but so far the stock has lost about 50% of its value.

This is supposed to pay out in years, not months but still.. not looking good so far.

Cue Biopharma In October 2021

In another teaser Lou claims there's massive profits to have if you invest in a company called Cue Biopharma.

This was a time sensitive pitch, though, and you had to buy the stock before November 14th.

In the pitch Lou claims he invested over $300,000 into the stock and it has a chance to dominate the cancer treatment market.

Did Lou's investment pay off?

I mean it did technical pop a little when Lou said it would.

But he was throwing around possible returns in thousands..

If you didn't sell it immediately after buying you're down big right now (over 50% again).

C-Com Satellite Systems In March 2021

About a year ago Lou pitched a stock associated with LEO satellite constellations and wanted you to buy a $3 stock called C-Com Satellite Systems.

According to the newsletter this stock could conservatively get gains as high as 3,906%

That's pretty massive.

So how has the stock performed in the last year:

Another 50% loser!

Atomera In October 2019

This is one of Lou's older picks and has a lot of time to mature.

The company being teased was Atomera and was marketed as a "single stock retirement plan."

The stock was only $3 when this campaign went live and here's how it's performed since then:

This stock has performed extremely well and got as high as $41 in 2021.

It's gone down a bit from its peak but it's still WAY over the $3 price it was in October 2019.

Neptune Wellness Solutions In April 2019

Here we have another stock pick that has fully matured since being recommended (basically 3 years ago).

This stock was teased as "The Safest Way To Profit From The Marijuana Gold Rush."

The company was Neptune Wellness Solutions and at the time just got their license for CBD oil.

When the stock was teased it was around $3 and now..


I guess if you sold it when it peaked you could have doubled your money but if you held onto it you basically lost all your money.

Overall Lou's teaser picks are pretty disappointing and anyone that invested in all of them is surely down big. 

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

What Does Trend Trader Daily Offer?

Trend Trader Daily has a few different products for sale.

Here's an overview of each one:

Digital Fortunes ($299 Per Year)

Digital Fortunes promises to help you ride tech trends before everyone else and gives you high performing tech stocks.

You get a newsletter every month and in the newsletter will be the stock picks.

Along with the picks will be an entire write up of why Lou likes them and why you should invest.

There's a few promos running for this newsletter as well.

This allows you to buy it for $99 per year and get a few special reports (teaser stock picks).

But if you buy it through the Trend Trader Daily website you have to pay $299 per year.

Micro-Cap Advantage ($2,995 Per Year)

This newsletter is currently not open to the public and there's a waiting list if you want to join.

It is very expensive too and costs $2,995 per year.

This is another newsletter subscription service and focuses on small (or micro) cap companies.

These are also known as penny stocks and reminds me of another service I reviewed called Microcap Insider.

Essentially these are stocks that are very cheap and have market caps under $500 million.

Some people claim these stocks are more successful than large cap stocks but there's zero proof of this.

Penny stocks are extremely volatile and often times these companies don't last too long.

Additionally, because they're so small it can be hard to get good information on the company.

I'd personally avoid investing in these kind of stocks.

Biotech Breakout Alert ($5,000 Per Year)

This service focuses on biotech stocks, which are medical and pharmaceutical companies.

Some similar newsletters include:

This is another product that currently has a waitlist. 

To get in you need to sign up and wait for an email when space opens up.

Takeover Trader ($995 Per Year)

Here we have another newsletter that has a waitlist. 

This one is a little cheaper than the last couple you've seen from Basenese.

The pitch for this newsletter is something Lou calls the Bermuda Triangle where stocks "disappear:"

He's alluding to companies that get bought by bigger companies.. also known as acquisitions.

This newsletter focuses on stocks that are targeting other companies, which typically leads to the stock price of the company to go up.

Want Winning Stock Ideas?

I've reviewed all the best places to get winning stock picks.. to see my favorite, click below:

Trend Trader Daily FAQ's

Here's some answers to any remaining questions you might have:

1) Do You Think The Prices Are Fair?

The price of the first service isn't too bad, especially if you can find the promo price of $99 per year.

That's pretty fair for what you're getting.

Even at full price ($299 per year) it's still not bad.. that's what you'd expect to pay for an introductory newsletter.


The other services are way too much money.

Once you buy the introductory product you'll be marketed the more expensive products as well.

I wouldn't think about the other newsletters that cost thousands per year unless Digital Fortunes pays off.

2) Is There A Refund Policy?

Yes, there's a 30 day refund for all products at Trend Trader Daily.

This is actually very good because most newsletters only give refunds for their cheap products and not for their more expensive ones.

You get 30 days to get your money back on all products.

3) Is Lou Basenese Legit?

I can't really say to be honest.

Like I detailed above there's no one with the name Lou Basenese that has his resume.

So he's either lying about his Wall Street experience or he's using an alias.

Using an alias isn't always the biggest deal on earth unless someone is trying to hide something in their past.

I emailed Lou to see if he had an explanation for not showing up in FINRA.

I'll update if he responds back.

4) What Are Customer Reviews Like

The customer reviews I've read are actually pretty positive and a few people claim to make money from Lou's services.

Now the stocks I've researched haven't been good.

But he does have a list of stocks that are apparently winners, so maybe just the teasers have been bad.

Honestly, the customer reviews are the only reason Trend Trader Daily get a decent score from me.

Without them this newsletter would go in the not recommended pile.

5) Is The Investing Strategy Legit?

Investing in tech stocks and bio tech stocks is legit but I personally don't like narrowly focusing on one market like that.

So if you do buy this newsletter I don't think you should just rely on it and no other ones.

I personally wouldn't invest in all of the picks either.

I would just maybe invest in a few stock picks from Trend Trader Daily and use other newsletters as well.

Having said that, I would avoid the microcap newsletter.. penny stocks aren't a good idea.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

Trend Trader Daily Pros And Cons

  • Good refund policy: All investing newsletters should offer a refund and Lou offers a 30 day money back guarantee on all of his products.
  • Good customer reviews: Some of Lou's services are well reviewed and customers are claiming to make money.
  • Resume questions: Lou Basenese doesn't show up in FINRA records. This means Lou is lying about his name or his background. 
  • Expensive services: Most of Lou's products are overpriced and cost thousands per year.
  • Bad teaser picks: The stock picks Lou uses to market his newsletters have been really bad.
  • Penny stocks: Many of the companies Lou suggests are penny stocks and these are very risky to invest in.

Trend Trader Daily Conclusion

Trend Trader Daily is an interesting service and I think the introductory product may be worth buying just to test out Lou's picks.

However, this product has its red flags.

I don't like that Lou's resume doesn't match his name and I certainly don't like the price of most of the products at Trend Trader Daily.

The only thing making me sort of recommend this company is the customer reviews are pretty good.

There's not too many of them but there's enough that makes me think there's some good stock picks here.

But if you pass over these newsletters it's not a big deal.. there's plenty of better alternatives.

Here's A Better Opportunity

Trend Trader Daily might be worth buying if you want to check out the cheapest product.

However, this definitely isn't my favorite stock picking service.

I've reviewed hundreds of places that claim they can deliver high return stock picks..

To see my favorite place that does this (that's very affordable), click below:

Get High Return Stock Ideas!

See where I get my winning stock ideas below:

About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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