Trade Of The Day Plus Review – Bryan Bottarelli Scam?

Dylan Rieger // Options, Stocks


April 1  

Trade Of The Day Plus is an introductory investing service run by Bryan Bottarelli and Karim Rahemtulla.

They claim they can put you on the path to a dream retirement...

Is this newsletter a scam or legit?

You'll get an answer to that in this review.

There's a lot to understand about Trade Of The Day Plus and you should read everything below.

You'll find information about who's running this newsletter, what you get, a look at the price and more.

You'll have a clear view if it's worth it.

Let's get started!

Trade Of The Day Plus Summary

Owner: Bryan Bottarelli and Karim Rahemtulla

Price: $79 per year

Rating: 3/5

Do I Recommend? It depends

Summary: Trade Of Day Plus is a pretty good investing service and you definitely can find winning trades.

However, there's some red flags and the biggest is Agora owns the company that sells this newsletter.

Agora is a horrible company and I typically don't recommend people buy from them.

They're just too unethical and do a lot of scamming. 

Top Alternative: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

3 Things To Know About Trade Of The Day Plus 

Before we look at what Trade Of The Day Plus offers, let's take a look at some background information.

Here's what I think you should know.

1) What Is Bryan Bottarelli Misleading About..

I've reviewed a lot of investing newsletters over the past few months.

And one thing I keep finding over and over and over again is people misleading about their past experience.

So when I do my initial research into an investing service, the first thing I do is fact check the owner's resume.

Well... Bryan seems to be doing what many other investing newsletter owners do.. which is to either lie about their resume or fake their name.

Bryan claims he's a trading veteran and spent years on the busy Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) trading floor.

This is important because Bryan states this is where he leanred to "identify and implement some of his most powerful trading secrets.. secrets that rarely find their way outside the CBOE to be used by individual traders."

He's selling the idea that he can teach you secrets that you can't get anywhere else.

The problem is there's no proof of a Bryan Bottarelli trading stocks.

Anyone that buys and sells securities for a company needs to register with FINRA.

You can search FINRA records to check on registration status of traders and there's nothing about a Bryan Bottarelli:

This means Bryan is either using an alias or he's making up his resume.

I emailed Bryan for an explanation about this and will update if he writes back. 

Edit: I may have found the answer to what I was looking for. Apparently Bryan was a prop trader and may not have had to register with FINRA.

In 2015, FINRA moved to make sure all prop traders have to register with them but Bryan was done trading at that point. 

The company he worked for, Group One Trading, is registered with FINRA and did so in 1994. 

2) A Horrible Company Owns Monument Traders Alliance

Monument Traders Alliance is the publisher where you can find Trade Of The Day Plus.

When looking up the address for the business I saw something I didn't want to see.. that the company is based out of Baltimore.

The biggest financial newsletter company, named Agora, is also based out of Baltimore.

After doing some digging my suspicions turned out true - Monument Traders Alliance is owned by Agora.

I've come across a lot of Agora products in the past few months, including:

So I'm very familiar with this company.

Agora is a grimy business and one I don't think highly of at all.

The following are reasons why you should steer clear of this company:

Targeting The Elderly

The most disgusting thing Agora does is constantly target elderly people with their scams.. a true sign this company has no morals.

According to Truth In Advertising, elderly people are targeted for scams the most and lose the most per scam.

A lot of older people are less likely to pick up on the fraud being committed and have money to spend.

Agora was fined millions of dollars for targeting the elderly with financial and health scams. 

The health scams in my opinion are the worst.. just take a look at one of their advertisements:

Seeing stuff like this makes me sick to my stomach.

How could you ever want to buy a product from a company that does stuff like this?

Deceptive Marketing 

The FTC recently did a workshop detailing something called "dark patterns" in marketing. 

The "dark patterns" are a list of growing deceptive marketing practices that unethical companies are using to make sales.

Agora might be the biggest offender with dark patterns in America.

All of their marketing campaigns are designed to get you to buy in the scummiest ways possible.

They hide important price details in the fine print, create false senses of urgency, confirmshaming, pop ups that make leaving the website difficult and more.

Here's an example of Agora creating a false sense of urgency with Tesla:

These are all different marketing campaigns, that ran at different times, that all sold different products.. and yet the headline is the same "The Biggest Announcement In Tesla's History."

You'll find these dark pattern marketing techniques all over Trade Of The Day Plus.

For example, here's how they hide the true cost of Trade Of The Day in the fine print.

In bold letters they state Trade Of The Day Plus is a one time fee of $79:

Doesn't this make it seem like you're only paying $79 one time for access to the newsletter?

However, if go down to the fine print you see that it's actually a yearly fee:

This is why I can never recommend an Agora product. Stuff like this is so annoying to me.

Constant Upselling

Another reason to avoid Agora is you'll never be able to use the email you signed up with ever again.

Your inbox is going to be bombarded every single day with new offers, using these dark pattern marketing techniques.

Agora has very expensive products and Trade Of The Day Plus is just the beginning.

Some of their services are tens of thousands!

You'll get up to 20 to 30 emails a day to upgrade and buy new products.

It's exhausting.

3) They're Currently Teasing Blink Charging And Rolls Royce Holdings

Right now Trade Of The Day Plus is running two teaser marketing campaigns.

The point of these campaigns is to market a stock pick and reveal the stock pick after you buy Trade Of The Day Plus.

The two campaigns are:

  1. Favorite Small Cap Play For 2022
  2. The Last Great Value Stock At $2 

The first teaser is referencing an electric car battery charging station company called Blink Charging.

Blink Charging is a company that's been around for over a decade and its stock experienced a huge pop during covid:

Had this stock been recommended a couple years ago it would be phenomenal.

But it's being recommended now and a lot of people doubt the stock will rise much more.

That's because there's plenty of bigger companies in the electric car charging space and some that are much more innovative.

This company doesn't really do anything special to set it part from competitors and is still not close to being profitable. 

The second stock being teased is Rolls Royce.

Apparently they struggled during covid because they make jet engines and air travel was down.

This is how their stock looks right now:

There's a lot to like about this stock but it may be a while before this one pays off.

Definitely one to keep an eye on, though. 

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Performing Stocks

What Does Trade Of The Day Plus Offer?

There's a few different aspects to Trade Of The Day Plus.

Here's a look at everything this service has to offer:

Trade Of The Day Plus Newsletter

You get a write up about the market every day the market is open (Monday to Friday).

You'll get training on the strategies used by people at Trade Of The Day Plus and you'll get a watch list of potential trades.

Additionally, every Wednesday you'll receive a video detailing the top trade to make that week.

In all you get 52 trade recommendations every year.

You'll get instructions on how to execute the trades as well.

Options For Dummies 101

Options are a big part of the trading strategy used by Bryan and Karim.

However, they can be complicated because it's not just buying and selling stocks.

This book covers how to trade options and details the "win both ways" trade strategy.

Training Videos

Along with the newsletter and options book, you get access to an 8 part training series called Wall Street's Most Treasured Secrets.

This series covers the "win both ways" trading strategy in more depth.

You get training on:

  • Put selling
  • Vertical puts
  • Vertical calls
  • Technical analysis

Overall this training series does a good job covering the strategies.

1 On 1 Meeting

Another part of this program is a 1 on 1 meeting with one of their "professional success coaches."

This is held online and it gives you a chance to ask questions and get answers.

I have no clue what qualifications you need to be a professional success coach. 

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Trade Of The Day Plus FAQ's

You might still have some questions about Trade Of The Day Plus.

Here's answers to any remaining questions you have:

1) Is The Price Fair?

I do think the price is fair at $79 per year.

Every trading publisher has a cheaper product they sell to get you into the sales funnel.

$79 is about what you'd expect to pay for these lower end products.

However, keep in mind that this is a yearly cost. The sales page really makes it seem like it's a one time cost but that's not the case.

Additionally, there's other VERY expensive products at Monument Traders Alliance.

These services cost thousands a year.

You're going to be persuaded to buy them and I would hold off until Trade Of The Day Plus starts paying off for you.

2) Is There A Refund Policy?

Yes, there's a good refund policy.

You get a year to get your money back if you're not satisfied which is pretty much best case scenario.

This gives you plenty of time to test out the stock picks to see if they're profitable. 

BUT this isn't the case for the more expensive products at Monument Traders Alliance. 

The products that cost thousands a year do not have a money back guarantee.

So if you do upgrade to one of these more expensive programs keep that in mind. 

3) Is The Trading Strategy Legit?

The trading strategy involves trading equities and using options to enhance profits.

This is definitely a good strategy and I've read in the past selling option premiums, which is part of the strategy here, is one of the best ways to make money with stocks.

I'm not an expert with put options or anything like that, though.

4) Is There A Track Record?

There isn't an official stock track record for Bryan or for the newsletter.

Bryan claims for 12 years he has an average return of 12% every three days but that can't be true.. or I'm somehow mis-interrupting what this means.

This would mean returns over 1000% every year which no one on earth can do.

Warren Buffet only gets something like 20% returns on average every year. 

There's no too many customer reviews out there but for one of Bryan's other services he does seem to give profitable stock picks:

Trade Of The Day Plus Pros And Cons

  • Good price: The price is good and is only $79 a year. However, I don't like that they keep that it's a yearly cost in the fine print.
  • Good refund policy: You get a full year to get your money back. That's as good as you'll find.
  • Good strategy: The trading strategies in this newsletter are definitely solid and profitable.
  • Scummy company: Agora runs Monument Traders Alliance.. they're an absolutely awful company that sells legitimate scams. 
  • Deceptive marketing: There's a lot of unethical marketing wit Trade Of The Day Plus. 

Trade Of The Day Plus Conclusion

I would recommend Trade Of The Day Plus if it wasn't run by Agora and didn't do all the stupid marketing tricks they do.

At the end of the day the trading strategy is legit and I think the owners, Bryan and Karim, are competent traders.

But who wants to deal with all the headaches of buying an Agora product?

Do you really want your inbox flooded with promotions all day long? Or have to deal with the misleading marketing or constant upselling or terrible customer service?

There's other places to get stock picks without having to deal with all of this.

It's a shame because I don't think Trade Of The Day Plus is horrible. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

Trade Of The Day Plus isn't a bad newsletter.

However, if you buy it you'll have to deal with Agora and all of their unethical marketing and promotions.

To be honest there's better stock picking services out there anyway.

To see my favorite place to get high return stock ideas (that's very affordable), click below:

Get High Return Stock Ideas!

See where I get my winning stock ideas below:

About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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