Revealed: Brad Thomas One Deal Retirement Summit

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


August 17  

Welcome back to the channel that steals stock picks from stock-picking experts.

Today we're going to be looking at a stock teaser from Brad Thomas titled One Deal Retirement Summit.

He claims you can make 10 times your money from a Texas-sized energy deal.

The problem is that Thomas wants $1,795 dollars to learn the name of the stock.

But I have good news: Thomas left enough clues in the presentation to figure out the three stocks he's talking about in this presentation.

I reveal them in the video below.

So you'll be saving $1,795 by watching the video below.

I'll give you some information on these stocks so you can determine if they are worth buying.

Let's get started now!

Transcript Of Video

In his new teaser, Brad Thomas claims that a new Texas-sized energy deal could help you retire rich when it unleashes a trillion-dollar opportunity.

And he claims a "green energy" pipeline will help do this.

Brad is pitching natural gas in this teaser because it burns cleaner than oil and coal.

So the idea is that there will be more "green energy" pipelines built in places where natural gas is being extracted.

There are many regions that produce natural gas, and Brad is focusing on the Permian basin in Texas, hence why he keeps saying "Texas-sized energy deal."

The Permian Basin is a large sedimentary basin located in West Texas and southeastern New Mexico in the United States. It's one of the most prolific oil and natural gas producing regions in the world. The basin has a long history of oil exploration and production, dating back to the early 20th century. It is characterized by its stacked layers of rock formations that contain abundant hydrocarbon reserves, making it a significant contributor to the energy industry in the United States.

MLPX Is The First Stock

MLPX is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks the Solactive MLP & Energy Infrastructure Index. This index includes a diversified group of midstream energy infrastructure companies in North America. Midstream companies are involved in the transportation, storage, and processing of energy commodities, such as oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids.

MLPX is a tax-efficient way to invest in midstream energy infrastructure. This is because it is structured as a C corporation, which means that investors do not have to pay any corporate income tax on the fund's distributions. Additionally, MLPX has a low expense ratio of 0.60%, which makes it a cost-effective way to invest in this sector.

As of August 17, 2023, MLPX has a dividend yield of 5.37%. This means that for every $100 invested in the fund, investors would receive an annual dividend of $5.37.

Overall, MLPX is a good option for investors who are looking for a tax-efficient and diversified way to invest in the midstream energy infrastructure sector.

MLPX is investing in new green pipelines to transport renewable energy, such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide. These pipelines are expected to play a key role in the transition to a clean energy economy.

One of the most notable green pipelines that MLPX is investing in is the Hydrogen Highway. This pipeline is being developed by TC Energy and will transport hydrogen from Alberta, Canada to the United States. The pipeline is expected to be operational by 2027.

Another green pipeline that MLPX is investing in is the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Pipeline. This pipeline will transport carbon dioxide from industrial facilities to underground storage sites. The pipeline is expected to be operational by 2025.

These are just a few of the green pipelines that MLPX is investing in. The company is committed to supporting the transition to a clean energy economy, and these pipelines are a key part of that effort.

In addition to investing in new green pipelines, MLPX is also working to reduce the emissions from its existing pipelines. The company is doing this by upgrading its pipelines to make them more efficient and by using new technologies to capture and store emissions.

MLPX's investments in green pipelines and emission reduction technologies are helping to make the energy sector more sustainable. These investments are a sign that the company is committed to playing a leading role in the transition to a clean energy economy.

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TC Energy Is The Second Stock

The next stock that Thomas is pitching is TC Energy. 

TC Energy is a major North American energy company that develops and operates energy infrastructure in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The company operates three core businesses:

  • First is Natural gas pipelines: TC Energy owns and operates a network of natural gas pipelines that transport natural gas across North America.
  • Second is Liquids pipelines: TC Energy owns and operates a network of pipelines that transport crude oil, natural gas liquids, and refined products across North America.
    Third is Energy: TC Energy owns and operates a portfolio of power generation assets, including nuclear, hydroelectric, and thermal power plants.
  • TC Energy is a leading provider of energy infrastructure in North America. The company's pipelines and other assets play an essential role in the transportation and delivery of energy to consumers and businesses across the continent.

TC Energy is also a major player in the development of new energy technologies. The company is investing in projects to transport hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and other renewable energy sources. TC Energy is committed to helping North America transition to a clean energy future.

Here are some of the notable projects that TC Energy is working on:

First is the Hydrogen Highway: This pipeline will transport hydrogen from Alberta, Canada to the United States. The pipeline is expected to be operational by 2027.

The second is the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Pipeline: This pipeline will transport carbon dioxide from industrial facilities to underground storage sites. The pipeline is expected to be operational by 2025.

The third is Keystone XL Pipeline: This pipeline would transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to the United States. The pipeline has been controversial, but TC Energy is still pursuing it.

TC Energy is a large and complex company with a long history. The company has faced challenges in the past, but it has also shown a commitment to innovation and sustainability. TC Energy is well-positioned to play a leading role in the energy transition in North America.

The Third Stock Is Enterprise Products Partners

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. is a publicly traded partnership that provides midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs), crude oil, refined products, and petrochemicals. The company owns and operates a vast network of pipelines, terminals, and other facilities that transport and store energy commodities.

Enterprise Products Partners is one of the largest publicly traded partnerships in the United States. As of March 31, 2023, the company had assets of $104 billion. The company's stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol "EPD".

As of August 17, 2023, the price of Enterprise Products Partners' stock is $29.12 per unit. The stock has been on a downward trend in recent months, but it is still up about 10% year-to-date.

The current stock situation for Enterprise Products Partners is mixed. The company is facing some headwinds, such as rising costs and lower energy prices. However, the company also has a strong track record of growth and is well-positioned to benefit from the long-term demand for energy.

Overall, Enterprise Products Partners is a large and diversified energy company with a solid track record. The company's stock is currently trading at a discount to its historical valuation, which could make it an attractive investment for long-term investors.

Here are some of the factors that could affect Enterprise Products Partners' stock price in the future:

  • The price of oil and natural gas: Enterprise Products Partners' business is closely tied to the price of oil and natural gas. If the prices of these commodities rise, the company's revenue and earnings will likely increase.
  • The demand for energy: The demand for energy is expected to grow in the coming years, driven by factors such as population growth and economic development. This growth could benefit Enterprise Products Partners, as it will need to transport and store more energy commodities.
  • The company's financial performance: Enterprise Products Partners' financial performance is another important factor that could affect its stock price. If the company's earnings and cash flow grow, the stock price is likely to rise.
  • The overall market conditions: The stock price of Enterprise Products Partners is also affected by the overall market conditions. If the stock market is doing well, the stock price of Enterprise Products Partners is likely to rise. However, if the stock market is doing poorly, the stock price of Enterprise Products Partners is likely to fall

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About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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