Outsider Club Review – Scam Or Legit?

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


March 2  

Outsider Club is an investing company that sells various newsletters and products.. some are expensive and some are affordable.

Before spending money on them I'm sure you want to know if they're scams or not.

You'll get an answer to that in this review.. you'll get some additional insights as well.

This includes a look at some background information, an overview of each product and more.

You'll know if it's worth it by the time you're done reading.. so make sure to read everything.

Let's get started!

Outsider Club Summary

Owner: Jimmy Mengel and Jason Simpkins

Price: Depends on product (some programs cost thousands)

Rating: 2.5/5

Do I Recommend? Not really

Summary: Outsider Club is a decent newsletter.

It's nothing spectacular but the price for some of the services is good and the refund policy is excellent.

However, the stocks they pick are very inconsistent and there's been some HUGE losers.

Top Alternative: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

Things To Know About Outsider Club

Before we get into what Outsider Club is offering, let's take a look at some background information.

Here's what I think is most important:

1) Jimmy Mengel Is Investment Director

Jimmy Mengel is the investment director at Outsider Club and he manages one of the newsletters called The Crow's Nest.

There's a couple red flags in Jimmy's past.

The biggest is he doesn't seem to have that much experience in investing.

According to his Linkedin he has a Journalism and English degree and worked at Agora Health for two years before moving to Outsider Club:

Not really sure how Jimmy transitioned into the investing world with his background.

This definitely makes me question his investing chops and wonder if he's just the face of the newsletter.

2) Jason Simpkins Worked For Agora

Jason Simpkins is another one of the main guys at Outsider Club.

His role is investment director.

Before coming over to Outsider Club he worked for Agora Publishing, which is the biggest financial newsletter company.

Now you may think this is a good thing but it's actually the opposite.

Agora is one of the worst financial companies out there and puts out a lot of scams.

They recently were charged and convicted by the FTC for scamming elderly people out of money.

That's pretty low.

I personally don't think it's good thing that Jason worked for Agora for over 6 years.

3) Outsider Club Stock Performance Has Been Mixed

Outsider Club runs marketing campaigns for stock picks.

Usually these ads have a sensationalist headline and a stock is teased.

You get the stock pick as a bonus for purchasing one of Outsider Club's products.

These are supposed to be the best picks that Outsider Club can come up with.

Here's how some of them have performed in the past:

Analog Devices In January 2021

In January 2021 Outsider Club ran a marketing campaign about "Next-gen tech developed with MIT and DARPA could make you 12,795%."

The company being teased here was Analog Devices.

Here's how the stock performed from January 2021 to now:

The price of the stock did go up a bit through out the year but has since dropped back to break even point.

Had this stock been recommended in 2018 this would be an excellent stock pick.

We'll have to wait to see how this one turns out.

VSBLTY In April 2019

This campaign ran for several years and first popped up in April 2019.

It was teased as a stock that can prevent terrorist attacks and school shootings.

The company is called VSBLTY.

Here's how it's performed since 2019:

For a while the stock underperformed and was down over 50%.

It did shoot up a lot in 2021 and if you held and sold at the peak you would have made 400%.

However, since the peak in late 2021 the stock is going down.

Leonardo In May 2020

In May 2020 Outsider Club ran a campaign titled "The laser defense firm that will let you retire early."

The company teased is Leonardo.

This company supplies laser diodes that are used in directed energy weapons.

The stock hasn't done well:

Basically it's been even for over two years.

Capcom and Huya In May 2020

In May 2020 Outsider Club started running a campaign with the teaser "biggest and fastest profit opportunity of 2020 and beyond."

There was actually two stocks and they are Capcom and Huya.

Here's how Capcom has performed:

Capcom has performed well and is up over 25% since being recommended.

Huya has not performed well, though.

This stock is down around 75% since May 2020:

Not good!

Ballard Power Systems In January 2020

Ballard Power Systems was the stock teased in 2020.

The campaign was titled as "Tesla killer" and a company that "may have made electric cars obsolete."

This is how the stock has performed:

This stock was up nearly 400% at the beginning of 2021.

If you sold then you'd be very happy.

However, it's been going down since the peak and is just barely positive now.

Hexo In December 2019

Outsider Club recommended this stock as the "next king of cannabis."

This is one of the worst stock picks Outsider Club recommended.

Since the recommendation in December 2019 the stock has almost lost all of its value:

It doesn't really seem like this stock is going to improve because it's been going down for a long time now. 

Sproutly Canada In May 2019

Another really big loser was Sproutly Canada which was recommended in May 2019.

In the teaser Mengel claimed you could make "1000% in the weeks ahead."

Here's what actually happened:

Another one that basically lost all its value after recommending.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

What Does Outsider Club Offer

There's a few different products at Outsider Club and they range in cost and what they offer.

Here's a breakdown of each:

The Crow's Nest ($49 Per Year)

The Crow's Nest is the newsletter Jimmy Mengel runs.

You get the following with this product:

  • 12 issues of The Crow's Nest: Once a month you'll get a research report from Jimmy. In this report you'll find stock picks, investment ideas, ways to improve your finances, retirement growth and more.
  • Insider opportunities: Insider Opportunities is the stock picks Jimmy comes up with. As we saw earlier the stock picks are hit or miss.
  • Investment research: You'll get market news and updates periodically. This will help you decide what to invest in. 
  • Bonus reports: These are the teaser picks we discussed in the last section. When you sign up you'll get access to a full report around a stock that Jimmy likes, that you can buy right away.

Wall Street's Proving Ground ($299 Per Year)

This is the newsletter that Jason Simpkins runs. 

You get the following with this product:

  • 12 issues of Wall Street's Proving Ground: Once a month you get a new report from Jason. The report contains market research and stock picks. 
  • Updates: If a position needs to be closed or a big market event is happening you'll get an update about it. 
  • Support: You'll be able to get answers to any questions you have from the Wall Street Proving Ground team.
  • Model Portfolio: You'll get full access to the entire portfolio at Wall Street Proving Ground. You'll be able to pick from dozens of stocks to invest in right when you buy.
  • Bonus reports: These bonus reports are the teaser stock picks in the marketing campaign. They're always changing.

The Adventure Capitalist ($4999 Per Year)

This is a much more expensive program and it's run by Jimmy Mengel.

This product is similar to the previous two but focuses more on trading alerts.

Instead of getting picks monthly you get text messages 24/7 when a stock meets a certain criteria Jimmy is looking for.

Along with the trading alerts you get access to special interviews, bonus reports and support.

Junior Mining Trader ($1999 Per Year)

The last product at Outsider Club is Junior Mining Trader.

This is an investing newsletter that focuses on natural resources and gold.

Like the last product this one is more buy and sell alerts.

Whenever a good opportunity arises in the natural resource market you'll get an alert to buy it. 

Each month you get a recap of the market and advice on what to do in the short term.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

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Outsider Club FAQ's

Here's some answers to some remaining questions you might have about Outsider Club:

1) Is the price fair for these products?

I think the first two investment newsletters are fairly priced.

The Crow's Nest isn't very popular so I wouldn't buy it even though it's the cheapest.

Wall Street's Proving Ground is more popular and costs $299 per year.

That's not too bad for what you're getting.

There's better newsletters for cheaper but $299 is in the acceptable range.

The other two newsletters are too expensive in my opinion.

Once you start paying thousands for stock picks it becomes harder and harder to profit.

The reason being is you're starting off thousands in the red to get the stock picks.

2) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there's actually a good refund policy for these newsletters.

Each one is different and they range from 90 days to 6 months to get your money back.

Both are good and the 6 month one is excellent.

That gives you plenty of time to test stock picks and to determine if you like the service or not.

3) How much should I have to invest?

It really depends on the newsletter you buy but any that comes with a model portfolio will require pretty significant capital.

You should probably have at least $1000 per stock pick and if the portfolio has 30 stocks in it, that would require $30,000.

Of course you don't have to buy all the stocks but you should be buying some.

On top of that you'll need $1000 more per stock you buy every month.

So this isn't a program for people with little money to spend.

4) Is Outsider Club A Scam?

Most investing newsletters are scams to a certain degree.

They use unethical marketing and are often times run by complete scammers.

I definitely don't think Outsider Club is the worst kind of investing newsletter out there.

There's some positive reviews and some of the picks are successful.

I don't like the pictures of the owners in expensive sport cars and I hate the sensationalist headlines for some of the campaigns.

But overall, I wouldn't call Outsider Club a scam.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

Outsider Club Pros And Cons

  • Good refund policy: You have plenty of time to get your money back if you're not satisfied.
  • Mixed stock picks: Their special reports can miss really big some times.. often the big loses outweigh the marginal gains.
  • Sensationalism: The teaser campaigns are over the top and many of them don't end up being profitable. 
  • Mediocre customer reviews: Most people who buy these newsletters are underwhelmed.

Outsider Club Conclusion

Outsider Club is an average investing newsletter I would say.

There's nothing really ground breaking or special about it - it offers what a hundred other newsletters offer.

The two guys running services, Mengel and Simpkins, don't really seem all that special either.

I'm not blown away by their stock picks and some have lost almost 100% of value after they recommended them.

There's some winners but they're not big enough to make up for the massive losers.

Because of this I don't really recommend any of the newsletters from Outsider Club except maybe Wall Street's Proving Ground.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on on Outsider Club.

There's just too many alternatives that offer better stock picks in my opinion.

I've personally reviewed hundreds of these services.

To see my favorite place to get high return stock ideas (that's affordable to try), click below:

Get High Return Stock Ideas!

See where I get my winning stock ideas below:

About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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