Money Map Report Review – Shah Gilani Scam?

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


March 17  

The Money Map Report is an investing newsletter that's been around for years.. it's currently run by Shah Gilani. 

They claim if you join it may be "one of the most profitable decisions you've ever made."

Before you buy I'm sure you want to know if it's a scam or if it will be profitable.

This review will answer that.

Additionally, you'll see some important background information, get a breakdown of what you get and more important facts to help you decide if it's right for you.

So set aside a few minutes to read everything below.

Let's get started!

Money Map Report Summary

Owner: Shah Gilani 

Price: $139 for two years

Rating: 2/5

Do I Recommend? No.

Summary: The Money Map Report has been around for a while and who runs it changes every so often.

At the end of the day the stock picks haven't been great and many people claim they have lost money.

Additionally, this newsletter has gotten in trouble in the past for misleading investors.

I'd skip over it.

Top Alternative: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

5 Facts Abouts Money Map Report

Before we get into what exactly Money Map Report is, let's take a look at some background information.

This is what I think is most important to know about this newsletter.

1) Money Map Press And Agora Financial (Red Flag)

Money Map Press is the publisher of this newsletter and Agora Financial owns Money Map Press.

To be completely honest neither of these companies have a good reputation.

I've come across many Money Map Press products in the past including Alternative Wealth Network, Nova-X Report and Project 303.

None of these products are worth buying in my opinion.

In fact, Project 303 is a straight up scam and I caught them faking testimonials on their sales page.

Here's what a screen shot from Project 303:

If you do a reverse image look up you'll see each picture is a model.

For example, this picture comes up as a stock photo when you do a reverse image look up:

Any company that resorts to these scummy tactics should be avoided.

If your newsletter is legit you'll have a million people willing to submit testimonials.

Faking them just shows no one is having success.

Agora is even worst!

Agora is the biggest financial newsletter service in the world and they own thousands of products just like this one.

You should avoid any newsletter or service from this company.

Recently they were fined millions of dollars for scamming elderly people with financial scams. 

Additionally, Agora sells health products and sold over 35,000 people bogus diabetes cures.

They even employ a guy that's banned from working on Wall Street by the government.

It's just a very gross company that I wouldn't trust with my money.

2) Money Map Report Got In Legal Trouble

Periodically Money Map Report puts out teaser campaigns that hype an investing opportunity.

In 2017, they ran a campaign called "Big Tobacco Must Pay" and alluded to investors being able to get thousands from a $206 billion tobacco settlement. 

They literally claimed you could get $2300 checks in your mailbox every month even if you never smoked!

This was extremely misleading and instead you could invest in bonds that had to do with the settlement.

So many people felt ripped off Oregon's Attorney General got involved and had this to say:

As a result Money Map Press had to pay $141,499 in a settlement and had to change certain business practices. 

3) It's Currently Run By Shah Gilani 

In the past Money Map Report was run by Keith Fitz-Gerald.. now it's run by a guy name Shah Gilani. 

There's really not too much out there about Shah.

He has a Linkedin page where he lists his previous work:

It seems most of his career was spent at The Oxford Club which is basically the same thing as Money Map Press.

So it seems he's been in the financial newsletter game for a long time.

In his bio he makes all these grandiose claims like that he started his first hedge fund in 1982 and worked for many different companies.

However, I can't really find proof confirming any of this.

Never trust what these newsletter guys say about their past without proof. There's many people that just straight up lie about their resume to gain trust.

I can't find evidence on FINRA or the SEC website that any of what Shah says is true.

4) Money Map Report Focuses On Small Caps

Money Map Report primarily focuses on small cap companies and penny stocks

Small caps are companies worth under $2 billion and the stock is typically under $5.

Here's an example of another newsletter that recommends the same investing strategy. 

There's some benefits to investing in small cap companies but the negatives outweigh the positives by a lot.

Here's what to consider about small cap companies:

Huge Return Potential 

The lone positive with small companies is there's a tiny chance you can get mammoth returns with a single stock.. much larger than if you invested in a large cap stock.

There's a few famous penny stocks that really took off.

Pier 1 is an example. It traded as low as $1 and at one point it got over $500 per share.

Another famous example is Monster Energy.

This stock started at 10 cents and eventually got over $100.

Early investors in this company are retied on a beach somewhere right now.

Very Volatile

These stocks can rise and fall very rapidly - many are susceptible to pump and dump schemes. 

If you find yourself on the wrong end of a pump and dump you can lose a lot of money overnight.

If you're someone that likes more stable markets this definitely isn't the investment strategy for you.

Additionally, if you like transparency these stocks aren't for you either.

It can be hard to get your hands on a small cap's financials and there likely won't be any news stories covering the company. 

5) Past Stock Picks Are Mixed

Before the tobacco debacle, Money Map Report used to run teaser campaigns hyping up stock picks all the time.

These are supposed to be your best stock picks and are pitches that persuade you into buying Money Map Report.

Here's how a number of them have performed over the years.

MeetMe October 2016

In October 2016 the teaser for Money Map Report was called "Hybrid Dating Stock" that has "The Biggest Upside Earnings Surprise In Two Decades."

The teaser went on to say every American is going to want to own this stock, which turned out to be MeetMe.

In the pitch huge returns were thrown around.

Here's what actually happened:

Basically the stock lost most of its value after the pitch and slowly returned to break even 4 years later.

So not a good stock pick.

First Mining Finance June 2016

In June 2016 the teaser campaign claimed this company would be the next "multi-billion dollar gold venture."

This was a pitch to invest in a private placement company.

Private placements are notorious for scams and the SEC put out a warning against investing in these companies. 

How well this stock performed depends on when you bought and sold it:

If you invested in this company the second this campaign rolled out and then sold 1 month later you would have made a good amount of money.

If you held onto the stock for more than a month you'd be down.

It's lost about half of its value since June 2016.

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Money Map Report Is Back To Their Old Ways

There hasn't been many teasers for this newsletter since they got in trouble with the government.

But it looks like they're back to their old ways..

They are starting to run teaser campaigns again and they're just as crazy as they were in the past.

The lead headline of their pitch now is the following:

That's a pretty insane goal for stock returns.

Warren Buffet gets 20% returns a year on average.

And how will this be done? Like we covered before - with penny stocks and small cap companies:

We already covered how difficult it is to predict how a penny stock will perform.

These companies are ripe with fraud and many just cease existing in a few year.

People like fast money but this get rich quick mindset will bankrupt you with stocks.

Investing in reliable companies over the long term will always be the most profitable way to invest.

There's 4 stock picks in this teaser.

The first is marketed as a 4.6 billion health care breakthrough.

Shah claims this stock will blow up after they create a product that deals with growth hormone deficiency. 

The second revolves around a stock that deals with weapons for the military:

They claim this company is making deals with major automotive companies and have a new deal for a multibillion dollar energy project.

The third stock is being teased as a $4 E-Commerce Rocket:

This company has to do with electric cars.

Lastly, we have a stock being teased as a $365 Billion Digital Advertising Boom:

This company has to do with digital advertising and costs $4.

These stocks get revealed after you buy Money Map Report. They act as a sweetener.

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Money Map Report Overview

You get more than just the 4 teaser stock picks I mentioned in the previous section.

You also get the following:

Money Map Report

This is the core part of the offer.

You get a monthly issue of the Money Map Report and you get stock ideas in each one of them.

This can come in the form of videos, explainers and detailed explanations. 

Along with the monthly newsletter, you get access to the model portfolio as well.

This means you'll have a ton of stocks to invest in right away.

Alpha 7 Stocks

Alpha 7 Stocks is the name Shah gives to small cap stocks that have massive growth potential.

There's a few features that revolve around Alpha 7 Stocks.

The first is the Alpha 7 Investing Playbook. This is a guide that teaches you about these stocks and how to invest in them.

Additionally, you get information on protecting yourself when investing in these stocks.

Next, you get the Alpha 7 Hotlist and this is another monthly newsletter.

In each issue you'll see 3 to 5 stocks that have potential to blow up.

Crypto Warp Speed Profits

Despite having the word "crypto" in the title, this isn't about investing in crypto.

Shah explicitly says to forget Bitcoin and all other cryptos.

Instead this is about investing in technology companies that are involved in crypto.

You'll get investment ideas that revolve around these stocks.

Daily Briefings

That last part of this offer is called Daily Briefings and this is a daily newsletter.

This comes with daily insights into the market and commentary about what's happening.

Additionally, you'll get stock recommendations.

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Money Map Report FAQ's

Here's some answers to any remaining questions you have:

1) How much does Money Map Report cost?

There's actually two prices for this product.

The first is $299 per year and that's if you go directly to the Money Map Press website.

The second, though, is highly discounted and can only be found through promo offers.

This price is $139 for two years or $99 for one year.

So if you have a desire to buy this newsletter make sure you find the promo for it.

2) Is there a refund policy?

Yes, there's actually a good refund policy.

You get 60 days to try out Money Map Report to see if it's right for you. 

If you're not satisfied you can get a full refund within 60 days.

3) How much do I need to invest?

Because you're dealing with penny stocks you can invest less and make more if one of the stocks take off.

However, you still want to invest at least $500 in each stock.

You'll be getting a bunch of stock picks every month and you're probably not going to invest in all of them.

Still, you should have at least $1000 a month to invest with.

On top of that you'll have access to the model portfolio. 

You'll probably want $500 for every stock that you like in the portfolio.

4) What Are Common Money Map Report Complaints?

Customer reviews for this newsletter are pretty brutal.

Out of 400+ people that voted on the overall score of this product, it only got a 2.2/5:

One thing I see with all Money Map Press products is customers hate the constant upsells.

Once you buy one product you will be bombarded with offers to buy more expensive products all day, every day.

This person below claims he gets 20 emails a day now from them:

All other complaints are general complaints about the newsletter being a waste of time.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

Money Map Report Pros And Cons

  • Good refund policy: You get 60 days to get your money back.. that's enough time to decide if it's right for you.
  • Owned by bad publishers: Both Money Map Press and Agora are companies you want to avoid.
  • Trouble in the past: This newsletter got in trouble when they ran a misleading campaign in the past. They had to pay over $141,000 for what they did.
  • Bad customer reviews: There's not too many people talking positively about this newsletter

Money Map Report Conclusion

Money Map Report is your typical investing newsletter that comes from Money Map Press and Agora.

These publishers are like factories that pump out these products.

Literally there's hundreds that are exactly like this one. They market the same way, they talk the same way, the product is almost exactly the same.

And like most of these products, Money Map Report isn't worth buying.

The price isn't horrible and the refund rate is good but investing in $5 stocks is guaranteed to fail.

There's so many scams that exist in the penny stock world and the stocks are always volatile.

I'd avoid anything to do with penny stocks and services that pushes them.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on Money Map Report.. I'd pretty much pass on anything that comes from Money Map Press and Agora.

The good news is there's good investing newsletters out there.

To see my favorite place to get high return stock ideas (that's very affordable), click below:

Get High Return Stock Ideas!

See where I get my winning stock ideas below:

About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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