Distortion Report Review (Does Nomi Prins Deliver?)

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


August 1  

The Distortion Report is an investing newsletter that comes from Nomi Prins.

She promises to help you make money with "distortions" in the stock market.

All you have to do is give her money, and you get winning stock picks, or do you?

In this review, we'll investigate whether this service is worth the money or just one big scam.

Additionally, we'll look at any red flags associated with this product, and you'll get an overview of what's being offered.

You'll know if Distortion Report is worth it by the time you're done reading.

Let's get started!

Distortion Report Summary

Owner: Nomi Prins

Price: $49 per year + upsells

Rating: 1/5

Do I Recommend? No.

Summary: Distortion Report is the flagship newsletter from Nomi Prins and Rogue Economics.


It's cheap, but there's a reason for that: it's just a bait product to get you into a very aggressive sales funnel that will promote products that cost thousands of dollars per year.


Additionally, the Distortion Report has performed very badly since launching over a year ago.

Some of the investments are down between 70% and 90%, and other companies recommended by Nomi have completely gone bankrupt.


Nomi has a history of running poorly-performing investment services.


There's really nothing to like here, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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Nomi And Her Bad Stock Picks

There are so many red flags with the Distortion Report and Nomi.

We'll get into them all in this review, but some red flags can be forgivable if you can pick good stocks.

But Nomi has proven over the years that she just can't beat the market and get the gains she promises.

For example, she used to run an option alert service called 25 Cent Trader, and the reviews for it aren't good.

Over 200 people rated it at Stock Gumshoe, and the newsletter has a 2.6/5 star rating:

One reviewer really summed up this product well and claimed it just lost him money:

25 Cent Trader has since shut down, and I'm guessing it's because of the poor results it got.

The bad news for Nomi is that Distortion Report hasn't really done much better.

It's been live for over a year now, and most of the stock picks aren't doing well.

The newsletter launched with a big stock teaser called "The #1 Stock For America's Great Distortion."

This was the first stock picked for this new newsletter, and it was ChargePoint.

Here's how the stock has done:

The stock is down about 33% since Nomi recommended it.

But it gets much worse than that.

Around the same time, Nomi recommended the stock of Silvergate Capital.

Silvergate was a bank focused on crypto and fintech projects.

When Nomi recommended the stock, it was over $100.

The company went bankrupt in about 6 or 7 months, and investors lost everything.

Later in the year, Nomi was back with another big, splashy stock teaser.

This time she called one stock "liquid energy" and claimed billionaires were gobbling up a $4 energy stock.

She was talking about ESS Tech, and this stock has struggled since being recommended by her.

The Distortion Report portfolio is filled with losers like these, and most of the stocks are down pretty big.

Unfortunately for Nomi, this doesn't seem like just a temporary problem and is something she's struggled with her whole stock-picking career.

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Nomi's Always Worked For The Worst

On the surface, Nomi Prins seems like a good person and someone who's fighting the good fight.

She has interesting books on how big banks have owned all the Presidents for the last 100 years.

Nomi claims she left Wall Street behind because of how immoral it was and because she wanted to fight back.

Again, it sounds like a great story, but it falls flat once you see who Nomi has been working for for the last 5 years.

When Nomi was running 25 Cent Trader, she was working for an extremely predatory company called Agora.

At one point, Agora was the biggest company that sold investing newsletters and made hundreds of millions every year.

They also took the stock-picking industry in a horrible direction with their marketing and advertising techniques.

How bad is Agora?

A few years ago, they were fined millions for defrauding senior citizens.

This hurt Agora's reputation a lot, and some of the publishers owned by Agora started fleeing.

But in 2021, a new company called MarketWise started gobbling up all of Agora's publishers.

MarketWise is essentially Agora 2.0 and uses all the same tactics as Agora (and has hired all the familiar Agora faces as well).

MarketWise is who owns Rogue Econics and is who Nomi works for.

So it's hard for me to believe Nomi's story of fighting Wall Street when she works for a company that's predatory and manipulative.

Beware The Upsells

One of the main reasons I dislike MarketWise, Agora, and Rogue Economics so much is their marketing.

MarketWise is known for its aggressive and borderline absurd marketing and advertising.

The target audience for these newsletters tends to be older people, and they're always so heavy on fear mongering.

They're constantly telling stories of how the economy will collapse at any moment, and if you just give them a few thousand, you can avoid economic collapse.

MarketWise also sends out ads with vague promises of returns.

But since the Distortion Report is so cheap, you might think it's still worth it.

You have to understand that the newsletter is priced this cheap for a reason—they just want you in the sales funnel.

From there, you'll be marketed products that cost thousands of dollars a year, and that's how MarketWise makes the majority of their money.

They'll try every rotten trick in the book to get you to upgrade.

And once you do, there will be no way to get your money back.

MarketWise publishers never give cash-back guarantees on services that cost thousands of dollars per year.

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Overview Of What You Get

The Distortion Report works like all other stock-picking services from MarketWise.

Here's an overview of what you get:

Monthly Newsletter

This is the main selling point for the Distortion Report.

Every month, you'll get a new newsletter that covers the market and some of the picks in the portfolio.

Additionally, you'll get a new stock recommendation once a month.

I personally am not a fan of a strict schedule for releasing new stock picks.

It's not like 40 years ago when actual newsletters had to be printed out.

A better way to do it would be to just send out a stock pick whenever Nomi finds one she likes.

Model Portfolio

Along with the monthly stock picks, you get a model portfolio.

The portfolio is broken up into a few categories, which include:

  • Transformative Technology
  • Infrastructure
  • New Energy
  • New Money

All the portfolios are down at the moment, and some are down very badly.

Special Reports

The special reports are the stock teasers used to market the Distortion Report.

In the past, the main special report was "#1 Stock For America's Great Distortion."

These special reports are changing all the time, and now the main special report covers "The Last Dollar."

This report is heavy on fear mongering and is trying to convince the reader that paper money is going to be banned.

Additionally, there's a special report that covers the #1 Gold Stock of 2023, which is Agnico Eagle.

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The Distortion Report FAQs

Still have questions about this newsletter?

Here are the answers to any remaining questions you might have:

1) Is Nomi Prins legit?

It depends on what you mean by being honest.

She did have a legitimate career on Wall Street at some of the biggest banks in the world.

Additionally, many people take her seriously in progressive circles.

I know that when Bernie Sanders was running for president, her name was floated as being a part of the administration in some fashion.

But none of that matters to you.

The only thing that matters is whether she can pick good stocks or not.

At the end of the day, she struggles to beat the market, and her services never get good reviews from customers.

2) Is there a refund policy?

There are 60 days to get your money back, which you might think is good, but there's more to it.

You see, MarketWise makes close to $1 billion a year in revenue.

Do you think they're hitting those numbers by selling $49 newsletters?

Of course not.

They make the majority of their sales with upsells that cost thousands.

However, the upsells that cost thousands never come with a money-back guarantee.

You only get a credit refund that can be used on other MarketWise newsletters.

So understand that if you buy one of the upsells, you won't be getting your money back.

3) What is the investing strategy?

Nomi claims the Distortion Report looks for stocks that are "distorted" by the market.

Basically, this just means stocks that the market has incorrectly valued.

Most of the stocks are cutting-edge tech stocks and growth stocks.

Many of the stocks have to do with electric vehicles, crypto, digital payment processors, etc.

4) Is there anything to like about the Distortion Report?

Not really.

Nomi isn't really someone that I think deserves trust, despite what she says about herself.

She went from Goldman Sachs to Agora.

She can say she left the banking industry to fight back, but I don't think that's true.

I think that's just sort of a character she built for herself.

No one who truly valued customers would work for Agora or MarketWise.

And I could forgive all that if the newsletter was good, but it's not.

Anyone who followed Nomi's advice this past year has lost a significant amount of money.

So no, there's nothing to really like.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Winning Stock Picks

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd pass on the Distortion Report and anything from Nomi Prins.

She's proven to be a bad stock picker over the years.

The good news is that there are good stock-picking services out there.

To see my favorite (which is very affordable), click below:

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See where I get my winning stock ideas below:

About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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