Behind The Markets Review – Scam Or Legit? (2024)

Dylan Rieger // Stocks


January 1  

Behind The Markets is an affordable investing newsletter from Dylan Jovine.

However, there are some expensive upsells.

Before you get sucked into the Behind The Markets market funnel, you should read this entire review. 

You'll get insights into this newsletter that you won't find anywhere else.

This includes background information on Jovine, what exactly you get with this product, customer insights, and more.

You'll have a good idea if this newsletter is worth buying by the time you're done reading.

Let's get into it!

Behind The Markets Summary

Owner: Dylan Jovine

Price: $79

Rating: 2/5

Do I Recommend? It depends

Summary: Jovine is someone that I've personally interacted with before, and I think he's a pretty genuine guy.

However, I don't recommend any of his services.

Jovine suffers from the same problems 99% of stock pickers suffer from - he just doesn't beat the market.

Even when his stock picks are getting returns, he's still underperforming against the S&P.

On top of this, Jovine does what every other stock does, which is market with long teasers and constantly upsells you.

If you buy his cheap newsletter, expect a heavy dose of emails trying to get you to upgrade to one of his more expensive newsletters (which cost thousands).

Those expensive newsletters perform worse than his cheap ones.

So I consider Jovine a nice guy, but nice won't help you get returns and beat the market. 

Top Alternative: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

5 Facts About Dylan Jovine

Dylan Jovine isn't someone who started trading in the last couple years.

He has a lot of experience in the stock market and has been trading for over 30 years now.

Here are some important facts about Jovine:

1) Dylan Jovine Started An Investment Bank At 24

At 24, I wasn't really taking life that seriously.

I was out of college, didn't even have a serious job yet, and was still living at home.

Dylan Jovine started an investment bank and a brokerage firm with an office on Wall Street at 24.

This firm generated $25 million a year in revenue and eventually was sold to Silver Capital in 2000 (when Jovine was 28).

2) He Created Tycoon Publishing

After spending years on Wall Street, Jovine switched gears and launched Tycoon Publishing to help individual investors make money from the stock market.

This newsletter was very successful, and eventually there were 500,000 members.

This company was eventually bought by the largest financial newsletter company, Agora Inc.

Jovine also writes a popular free newsletter called The Tycoon Report, which is well received by members.

3) Has A Track Record Of Predicting Markets

Many investors and traders crow about their results and downplay their losses.

For example, yesterday I did a review of a famous investor, and his sales page was full of his "accomplishments."

However, he never mentioned his gigantic losses, like predicting Tesla would tank in 2019 (it did the exact opposite).

Jovine has been reasonably successful in predicting big market events, though.

He has his losers like other traders, but he accurately predicted the market crash in 2009 (and was warning about it for years before).

He subsequently predicted the bull run the market went on after the crash as well.

4) Doesn't Beat The Market, Though

I give credit to Jovine for being able to predict some big market events, but his returns still don't compete with the market.

To be honest, most stock pickers fail to beat the market, so this isn't something just unique to Jovine.

But putting your money in an ETF that mirrors the performance of the S&P is so easy, and managing a portfolio of 25 stocks is much harder.

So if you can't beat the market, your product is pretty much worthless.

Unfortunately for Jovine, that means I don't recommend his newsletters. 

5) Jovine Has Won Investing Competitions

Many investors are very secretive about their portfolios and sharing their trade results. 

Most of the time, an investor is so secretive because they're overselling their success.

The Najarian brothers, who are on TV all the time talking about their trades, won't show any records of their investments "for compliance purposes."

Again, Jovine separates himself from the pack by being transparent with his results.

In 2007 he entered a big investment tournament run by AOL (there were hundreds of participants).

He ended up in first place.

6) Jovine Is A China Scaremonger 

One thing I don't like is that Jovine seems to play on people's fears about China.

China has become a boogeyman in the West, and investors exploit people's fear of China for their own gain. 

For example, his Facebook page is littered with articles like the following:

The Atlantic Council is made up of the very people who have ruined America, like Henry Kissinger.

Jovine uses people's fear of China to sell memberships.

He even predicted China would declare war on Taiwan and drag the world into WWIII:

There's a lot to like about Jovine but this isn't one of those things (it's been a year past November 30th too)

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

What Is Behind The Markets?

There's a certain philosophy that drives Behind The Markets and their stock ideas.

Here's a look at what you should know about Behind The Markets.

They Stay Away From The Big Boys

Much of Wall Street and trading analysis focuses on large cap stocks.

These are the stocks of multi-national conglomerates that make billions of dollars and make up the 500 biggest corporations. 

This is where you'll find Walmart, Amazon, Apple, and Tesla.

The stocks everyone knows about.

However, there's a lot of value in midsize-cap stocks as well.

This is where Dylan and the team at Behind The Market focus their energy. 

Buy Low, Sell High

This may not be the most innovative trading strategy, but it is the most profitable.

The companies that Behind The Market recommends have capitalizations between $1 billion and $10 billion but must be at a discounted price.

There are many reasons a stock may be temporarily discounted.

To figure out if one is discounted, you look at returns, debt, competitive advantages, and more. 

Long Term Investments

This is not a day trading program, which is a good thing.

These are picks that you're going to hold for a while until you get the desired results.

If you're looking for fast money, you're going to have to look elsewhere.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

Behind The Markets Product Overview

There's a few different products offered by Behind The Markets.

Here's a summary of each program:

Behind The Markets Newsletter

This is the introductory product at Behind The Markets and is affordable at $79.

You get the following with this newsletter:

  • Access To Portfolio - There are open positions in the Behind The Markets portfolio that you can buy the second you sign up. You'll get in depth analysis on these positions with information on what prices to buy the stocks at.
  • Training - You'll get access to training videos and educational materials on the investing strategies.
  • Updates - Every month, you'll get new picks and an updated portfolio. You'll also get alerts if it's time to sell a stock.

Additionally, you get "special reports."

These reports are typically marketing campaigns that tease stocks.

For example, one of the most recent marketing campaigns from Behind The Markets teased a company that makes "5G missiles."

This promotional effort promises to give you a defense stock pick that's going to blow up (the pick is Leidos).

Other special reports have to do with the following:

  • Micro cap stocks in the pharmaceutical world
  • Collecting royalties
  • Marijuana stocks
  • Small cap stock ideas in the biotech industry

Takeover Targets

Costing $997 per year (or $1997 for lifetime access), Takeover Targets is a much more expensive program that Jovine offers.

The strategy here is merger arbitrage

This is when you buy the stock of two companies merging, creating a riskless investment. 

You'll be earning 10% to 20% (hopefully) on your merger arbitrage picks.

With this program, you get the following:

  • 12 issues of Takeover Targets that offer merger arbitrage stock picks
  • Bonus report for Jovine's #1 takeover target for the month you buy
  • Various strategies to succeed in this investment niche

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My Thoughts On Behind The Markets

I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Behind The Markets.

Here's a summary of what I think:

There's Expensive Upsells

I have a generally positive impression of Dylan Jovine..

But he's still in the game to sell as many subscriptions as possible to his newsletter and make the most money for himself.

To do this, he has to provide value, but he also has to sell expensive products.

$79 isn't an expensive product, and that's why Dylan offers other products as well—much more expensive products.

The reason Behind The Markets is so cheap is because Dylan wants you in his sales funnel.

Every marketer in the financial niche does this.

You offer a cheap product first and pitch the more expensive stuff later.

Don't buy the programs that cost thousands until you've seen returns from Behind The Markets.

You Should Have A Decent Amount To Invest

The price of Behind The Markets may be inexpensive, but you still need a decent amount to invest.

A good rule of thumb is that you'll probably need $1000 per position.

There could be dozens of open positions at one time, and the portfolio regularly has 30+ picks in it.

In order to get the most out of this newsletter, you should have $30,000 to invest, with an additional $1000 per month to invest in new picks. 

Don't Fall For The Gimmicky Marketing

Every week, traders launch new little marketing campaigns about their "secret" stock ideas.

These marketing campaigns are extremely effective, and people will drop thousands just to figure out what they are.

Jovine is definitely guilty of this.

His newest campaign is about the secret missile and the company behind it. 

Instead of falling for the marketing and getting sucked in, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I want to invest in defense technology?
  • Do I like the strategy being used?
  • Am I interested in the topic being talked about?

A big part of Jovine's strategy is selecting lesser-known biomedical and pharmaceutical companies.

Can you see yourself trading these stocks?

If not, then ignore the hype.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get High Return Stock Ideas

Behind The Markets Customer Reviews & Complaints

The customer reviews for Behind The Markets are pretty mixed.

Here's a summary of what people think.

Most People Have A Favorable Opinion

Out of 63 people that rated Behind The Markets it has an overall rating of 3.4/5:

This is a pretty good rating considering stock newsletters can overpromise and underdeliver (thus leading to low ratings).

This shows that most people enjoy Behind The Markets and are getting returns.

People Hate The Customer Service

This is a common criticism of Behind The Markets.

Many people find it's impossible to get billing and other issues resolved.

Here's an example of someone expressing this opinion:

As you can see, this dissatisfied customer didn't want to agree to the new terms.

She felt obligated to get a refund since the terms she signed up for were different.

However, she couldn't really get a straight answer from the customer service rep about whether she could get a refund or not.

Here's another example of a person expressing this opinion:

People Don't Like The Expensive Upsells

I touched on the upsells in the previous section.

Basically, all financial newsletters do them, but they can really come off as scammy.

The marketing is aggressive for these newsletters, and being pitched on a new product the second you just bought it rubs people the wrong way. 

Here's a customer expressing their dislike of this:

Behind The Markets Price And Refund Policy

There are a few things to unpack with the cost of Behind The Markets.

Here's what I think about it:

Behind The Markets Newsletter Is Priced Well

This is actually one of the least expensive newsletters out there.

It gives away a lot of value as well, and there's a lot of stock ideas to be found. 

The best part is the price is a one time deal which is rare.

Most investing newsletters have annual or monthly costs. It's nice to see that not happen here.

The Other Products Aren't Well Priced

Unfortunately, the rest of the Behind The Markets products aren't well priced.

Takeover Targets is thousands of dollars, and it's annual (unless you pay $1997 for lifetime access).

If Behind The Markets is working for you, there's really no reason to pay extra for this program.

There's only so much money a person can invest, and Behind The Markets should keep you pretty busy.

There's A 30 Day Refund Policy

All products come with a 30 day refund policy, which is good.

This isn't enough time to determine if the stock picks will get you returns, but it is enough time for you to determine if the service is right for you.

One thing to note, though: many people claimed getting a refund was impossible. 

Behind The Markets Pros And Cons

  • Well Priced: Behind The Markets is one the best priced investment newsletters there is. It gets even better because it's not yearly. 
  • Jovine Is Accomplished: Dylan Jovine has done a lot in his 30 years of investing. He's started successful investment banks, he's created several financial newsletters and has pretty good predictions. 
  • Good Refund Policy: 30 days to get your money back is pretty solid. 
  • Gimmick Marketer: I personally don't like marketing campaigns that promise secret stock ideas. That's overplayed and everyone does it.
  • Uses Fear To Get Members: I don't like all the fear mongering about China either. His prediction for China declaring war on Taiwan was incorrect (but probably made him money).
  • Expensive Upsells: Behind The Markets newsletter is just the appetizer. Jovine has more expensive products that he really wants you to buy.

Final Thoughts On Behind The Markets

There's definitely something to respect and like about Jovine and his newsletter.

Jovine clearly knows how to run a successful stock selecting service, and he's an expert at investing.

Most people seem to enjoy Behind The Markets as well.

My biggest issue with Behind The Markets is the marketing involved with it.

Jovine is good enough; he doesn't need to scare old boomers about WWIII with China.

That just seems like a pretty low way to get subscribers and memberships. 

Here's A Better Opportunity

Behind The Markets isn't a bad newsletter, but there's better out there.

I've personally reviewed hundreds of the best investing newsletters and programs.

My favorite is very affordable and only costs $1 to get started with..

To learn more, click below:

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About the Author

Dylan is an investing and passive income watch dog. He created Level Up Your Wealth to prevent people from wasting money on scam programs and to recommend high quality offers.

Dylan Rieger

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